Wyatt is 10 and a half now.
I still work at at&t.
We just added a 3rd dog to our family. Her name is Ebi, she is a small Boxer.
We also added a red eared slider turtle to our family, we went to Reasor's (grocery store) when Wy was sick with strep throat to pick up a couple things and right in front of their store they sell plants/pumpkins/seasonal stuff, I almost stepped on this tiny turtle, Wyatt saw it and saved his/her life. It is the size of a silver dollar. We found out this type of turtle isnt from here and must have been shipped in with the plants that were being sold in front of the store. We took it home, thinking it was just a regular turtle, went to PetsMart the next day, showed a picture of the turtle to find out what it needed to eat and was told its an aquatic turtle and has to have an aquarium with heat, water and land so $60 later the turtle has a new home in our living room in an aquarium. Its name is Spike, (we need to figure out if its a girl or a boy).
Wyatt is on his 7th season of baseball, playing for the Collinsville Cardinals again. Lisa Eberle is still his coach and we love her. Wyatt is out of school for the summer and will be in the 5th grade in the fall! He is growing up so fast. Way too fast!!! It makes me so sad.
We just got back from Virginia last night. We were there from Thursday to Tuesday. We flew there on Southwest standby tickets (our first experience flying standby). Standby was nerve racking but well worth the money savings. We stayed at our friends Johnny and Amanda Lauser's house, however Amanda is in Germany having surgery and Johnny is in Alabama in air force training. So my best friend Susan is Johnny's mom, she went to VA to stay with the kids, Nate and Gracie, while their parents are gone, for about 3 weeks.
We also went to VA in March for 13 days. We drove with Susan and John that time, a 2 day trip there and 2 days back, staying the night in a hotel on the way there and back. That time Johnny and Amanda were in town and we did lots of touristy things like touring the White House, Pentagon, US Capitol (which is actually on a hill, now I understand why its called Capitol Hill), The Library of Congress, Ford's Theater and many more. We had a great time and drove through 9 states (counting Oklahoma) on that trip.
This trip we had a layover in Houston and Alabama on the way to VA and in Mississippi and Houston on the way back. We actually flew to and out of Baltimore-Washington International airport.
We figured out that so far this year Wyatt has been to 12 states (counting OK)!!! Growing up I never went to 12 states my whole 18 years of living at home all put together!!!
I want Wyatt to be a well traveled kid and to have many experiences. I want him to be able to say Yes, I have been there!
I love him more then my tongue can tell.