Wednesday, June 1, 2011


On May 5th, 2011 Wyatt's 4th grade class visited Woolaroc in Barnesdall, OK. ( I took a vacation day and went with them. I hadnt been to Woolaroc since I was a child with my mom and dad so at least 20 years ago. The things I remembered about it was a life size buffalo statue that sucked up whatever you put up to its mouth, a trash can basically, I remember somewhere there was a big hanging red airplane and that in the house where Frank Phillips lived there was a playing card stuck to the wall, close to the ceiling that a magician stuck there was in a card trick during a dinner party and Frank Philips didnt want it ever taken down. Those 3 things are still there.
Im so thankful that I was able to go. We had a great time, its beautiful there. Wyatt enjoyed the same things I did when I was there as a child. He is growing up so fast.
I love Wyatt so much and enjoy spending time with him. He is such a sweet, kind, smart and loving little boy. I cant imagine where I would be in life if I wouldnt have became a mother.

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